BVS-ABR Scientific meeting: Radiation protection in space
Organised by BVS-ABR
Online webinar from 13h00 CET
13h30 Future of Human Exploration in Europe (Frank De Winne, ESA)
14h00 Space radiation environment and space dosimetry (Olivier Van Hoey, SCK CEN)
14h25 Radiation protection of electronics in space (Jens Verbeeck, Magics)
14h50 Space related health effects (Sarah Baatout, SCK CEN)
15h15 Break
15h25 RHA : The Radiation Hardness Assurance for space electronics (Michel Mélotte, Thalès Alénia Space Belgique)
15h50 Radiological shielding at Tractebel and an application to space missions: evaluation of shielding efficiency against GCR and SPE in deep space using different light materials (Alberto Ottonello, Tractebel)
16h15 In-situ thermal annealing of CMOS devices after gamma irradiation (Sedki Amor, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) UCLouvain)
16h40 Conclusion and future outlook: Current application of the radiation protection system in space (Anna Fogtman, ESA)
18-6-2021 18-6-2021 Europe/Brussels BVS-ABR Scientific meeting: Radiation protection in space Online webinar from 13h00 CET Organised by BVS-ABR