BVS-ABR E&T event: ALARA in the Medical World
Organised by BVS-ABR
VUB Brussel
- Introduction: the ALARA principle in radiation protection and medicine: a precautionary approach, G. Eggermont
- The radiation protection principles in medicine: prerequisites and challenges, P. Smeesters
- Establishing reference levels and the use in radiation protection, N. Marshall
- The introduction of patient dosimetry in Belgium, A. Fremout
- Radiation accidents in radiotherapy: lessons learned, J.L. Godet, part 1 & part 2
- Patient doses in paediatric radiology, K. Smans
- CT pediatry: the influence of new technologies on patient dose, N. Buls
- Quality control and dose optimization in mammography, H. Bosmans
- Radiation protection of staff in nuclear medicine, E. De Geest
- Personal dosimetry as an ALARA tool in medical practices, P. Covens
20-6-200809:00 20-6-200817:00 Europe/Brussels BVS-ABR E&T event: ALARA in the Medical World VUB Brussel Organised by BVS-ABR