Subscription for the Health Physics journal: apply before 18 December!
Price remains the same, but also an exclusive online subscription is possible.IRPA15 (2021) Hybrid conference - update
The IRPA15 Congress has been postponed until 18-22 January 2021. Registration deadline has been extended and registration information is available.BVS-ABR Newsletter N° 167 online
Newsletter N° 167 werd zonet gepubliceerd - veel leesplezier!IMPORTANT: meeting Friday November 13, 2020 CANCELLED
COVID-19 precautions forced the Bureau to postpone this meeting.New IRPA bulletin
New IRPA bulletin issue 27 is available onlineBVS-ABR Newsletter N° 166 online
Newsletter N° 166 werd zonet gepubliceerd - veel leesplezier!Vacatures
Bekijk de huidge vacatures in stralingsbeschermingPostgraduaat stralingsdeskundige
Nieuwe editie Postgraduaat Stralingsdeskundige 2020-2021 (ook modulair te volgen)Covid-19 & Radiation Protection - IRPA YGN testimonies and sharing
IRPA YGN is collecting and sharing testimonies about the impact of the Covid-19 on radiation protection.BVS-ABR Newsletter N° 165 online
Newsletter N° 165 werd zonet gepubliceerd - veel leesplezier!