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SFRP Journée technique: Le Radon: prevention et gestion du risque

La Mas Paris 13ème Paris, France

Le principal objectif de ces journées est d’apporter des éléments de compréhension (techniques, scientifiques et réglementaires) ainsi que de partager des retours d’expérience afin de permettre à la majorité des […]

Joint BHPA – BVS-ABR event on the use of novel medical radionuclides

Aula Magna LLL Pl. Raymond Lemaire 1, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Parallel session on the topic RADIATION PROTECTION on Friday afternoon jointly organised by BVS-ABR and BHPA. Preliminary programme: Start: 13h30 Recent updates in the regulatory framework regarding medical radionuclides. - […]

EURADOS Annual Meeting 2025

EURADOS Annual Meeting 2025, including: EURADOS School on “Metrology in radiation dosimetry measurements” New opening session with introduction of the EURADOS Working Groups Meetings of the EURADOS Working Groups IC2024ext participants’ meeting WG2 Learning Network SAMIRA Action Plan meeting Open discussion on the possible impact of the proposed new operational quantities Early career event EURADOS […]

EAN Workshop: Optimization of the transport of radioactive material

JRC Petten Petten, Netherlands

More than 20 million packages of radioactive material are transported each year on public roads, railways, and ships, worldwide. The shipments are related to three main sectors: non-nuclear industry and research, the medical field, and the nuclear industry. • Non-nuclear industry and research account of most transported packages, often for mobile equipment with radioactive sources […]

SFRP 15ème Congrès National de Radioprotection

Ce congrès sera l’occasion de fêter avec vous les 60 ans de SFRP : ils vous réservent un programme plein de surprises avec des invités de marque ! Comme pour […]

IAEA conference – Radiation protection in medicine

IAEA Radiation protection conference The next IAEA conference on radiation protection in medicine is happening next year, focusing on the latest advancements in medical imaging. More details to come!