BVS-ABR E&T event: A Contamination Incident at the Workplace: What to do?
Organised by BVS-ABR
SCK CEN (Boeretang 200, BE-2400 Mol)
- Radioactieve Besmettingen - Verwachtingen van het FANC, S. Coenen
- Basic Aspects of Radiation Protection for Radiological Incidents, J. Camps
- Interventions d'Urgence, P. Froment
- Treatment of a Radioactively Contaminated Victim in the Hospital, T. Boterberg
- Suivi d'un incident de contamination - Approche d'une grande installation nucléaire, Ph. Antoine
1-10-201009:00 1-10-201017:00 Europe/Brussels BVS-ABR E&T event: A Contamination Incident at the Workplace: What to do? SCK CEN (Boeretang 200, BE-2400 Mol) Organised by BVS-ABR