The radiotherapy departments of the AZ Sint Lucas hospital Gent and the OLV hospital Aalst have the great pleasure to invite you to the 34th Annual BHPA Symposium which will take place in Aalst on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd February 2019.
The theme of this meeting is “Bridging the gap between imaging and therapy” as we would like to focus the scientific program on a closer collaboration between disciplines.
Programme of the Joint session BHPA-BVS-ABR on Friday afternoon;
14h00 – 14h30 (Jolien Berlamont – FANC) Revision of the health physics organisation
14h30 – 14h50 (Danielle Berus – VUB) How the interaction between MPE and RPE can strengthen radiation protection
14h50 – 15h00 (Filip Vanhavere – SCK•CEN) Radiation Protection Research in Euratom and in Belgium: a focus on health and medical topics
15h00 – 15h30 Coffee break
15h30 – 16h00 (Kristof Baete – Niki Bergans – KULeuven) Optimisation of patient and staff doses in metabolic therapy
16h00 – 16h20 (Jelle Smeulders – VUB – SCK•CEN) Correlation between routine personal dosimetry and the dose to the brain of interventional cardiologists
16h20 – 16h40 (Dimitri Buytaert – UGent) The impact of recent X-ray and image processing technology on occupational exposure during coronary angiography procedures
16h40 – 17h00 (Abdelrahman Mahmoud – SCK•CEN) PODIUM project: Personal Online DosImetry Using computational Methods
The programme of the full symposium is available online on the website of BHPA.Do you want to view the slides of the presentations? Login or join BVS-ABR as a member!