13.00 Registration and login
13.10 Introduction of the BVS-ABR / NVS event (Pascal Froment, BVS-ABR, Belgium)
13.15 Scanning, detection and radiation protection at Customs (Pascal Fias, Douane en Accijnzen, Belgium)
13.40 Scanning of Luggage in the airport of Schiphol (John H. Bubberman, Douane Schiphol Cargo, The Netherlands)
14.00 Methods for security scanning (Arjen Klop, Nuctech, The Netherlands)
14.20 Tracking drugs trafficing in port of Antwerp (Jeroen De Vos, Douane en Accijnzen, Belgium)
14.40 Break
15.00 Discussion panel – Justification? “Drive-through scanning for tracking illegal emigrants”
15.30 Portal detectors: state of the art and future developments (Onno Bassa, Stratec Services, The Netherlands)
15.50 Practical experiences with nuclear detection in the port of Rotterdam (Myke van der Pligt, NVS, Douane-belastingsdienst, The Nederlands)
16.10 Quiz and round table discussion