Context: to ensure the surveillance of radioactivity in the environment, number of measures have been put in place and are gradually improved, but they merit to be better known.
Purpose of the scientific meeting:
Target audience: professionals and interested stakeholders (including also students)
Please note that the meeting takes place in the auditoire Pythagore. (see detailed information)
By train: 5 min walk from LLN train station
By car: E411 Brussels-Namur, exit 7, 8A or 9
Parking Rédimé or Parking Sainte Barbe
COVID-19 measures The organisation of conferences is currently allowed in Belgium. There are no formalities for entering the country from abroad. However, we recommend participants to make sure of being vaccinated, having undergone a negative test or being recovered from COVID-19. Please don’t forget to bring your mask. By default, the mask must be worn by all at all times in all university areas. |
9:00 Welcome address (Pascal Froment, BVS-ABR, Prof. invité UCLouvain)
9:10 Session 1: Approaches
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Session 2: Measurement Techniques
12:30 Walking lunch (at the auditoire Pythagore)
14:00 Session 3: Exchanges with the public
15:10 Coffee
15:30 Debate: How to better inform and communicate on the subject (Tanja Perko, SCK CEN)
16:30 Closure (Chantal Mommaert and Pierre Kockerols, BVS-ABR)
Registration is mandatory online.
professionels/beroepmatigen | € 80 |
membres ABR ou personnel académique UCL/ BVS leden of academisch personeel UCL | € 50 |
retraités/gepensioneerden | € 40 |
étudiants/studenten | € 10 |
Please transfer the amount on the account of the Belgian Society for Radiation Protection IBAN BE79 2100 2447 1233 (BIC GEBABEBB) with the message “ENVIRONMENT + name of participant”. Online payment is possible via the website.
Full reimbursement will be foreseen would you desist 5 days in advance or would the meeting be cancelled for reason of an extension of the coronavirus-crisis.
Nous vous saurions gré de verser cette somme à votre meilleure convenance au compte de l’Association belge de Radioprotection à BE79 2100 2447 1233 (BIC GEBABEBB). Veuillez également indiquer clairement “ENVIRONMENT + le nom du membre”. Les personnes qui sont déjà inscrites à la journée scientifique (initialement prévue à 13 mars 2020/13 novembre 2020/23 avril 2021) et qui ont payé leur participation ne doivent pas le répéter. Si vous ne pouvez par contre pas être présent le 22 octobre 2021, veuillez le signaler avant le 10 octobre, en vue du remboursement (contactez ).
U kunt uw bijdrage overmaken op de rekening van de Belgische Vereniging voor Stralingsbescherming IBAN BE79 2100 2447 1233 (BIC GEBABEBB). Gelieve duidelijk “ENVIRONMENT + de naam van het betrokken lid” bij de overschrijving te vermelden. Personen die op de wetenschappelijk vergadering ingeschreven waren voor de (oorspronkelijk geplande) sessie van 13 maart 2020 (13 november 2020/23 april 2021) en hun bijdrage reeds betaald hebben hoeven dit niet te herhalen. Indien u echter op 22 oktober 2021 niet aanwezig kunt zijn, gelieve dit vóór 10 oktober te melden, met het oog op een terugbetaling (contacteer ).
Persons who were already registered for the scientific meeting (originally) planned on March 13, 2020 (13 November/23 April 2021) and have paid their participation fee don’t need to repeat it. Would you however be unable to be present on 22 October 2021, please inform us before 10 October at latest, in view of a reimbursement (contact ).