13.30-13.45 : Benoit Lance (ENGIE Electrabel) : “Introduction to the meeting”
13.45-14.15 : David Rasquin (AFCN) : “Application of the Nuclear emergency exercises methodology implemented in Belgium: a case study (CNT exercise 2021)”
14.15-14.45 : Paul Gille (ENGIE Tractebel) : “Development of the technical scenario and the related source term”
14.45-15.15 : Christophe Gueibe (SCK-CEN) : “Development of the simulated radiological consequences”
15.15-15.30 : Break
15.30-16.00 : Benoit Lance (ENGIE Electrabel) : “National nuclear emergency exercise of 17 March 2021, emergency phase performed at the Tihange nuclear power plant”
16.00-16.30 : Johan Camps (SCK-CEN) : “Aerial Gamma Spectrometry campaigns performed at the Tihange nuclear power plant for the national nuclear emergency exercise of 17 March 2021”
16.30-17.00 : Didier Degueldre (Bel V) : “National nuclear emergency exercise of 17 March 2021 & 29 June 2021 : main outcomes and lessons learned”
17.00 : Conclusions
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