13h Welcome/registration with coffee
13h30 – 15h30 CBRNe SCENARIO
“Large fire at nuclear medicine lab / waste storage unit storing combined medical-nuclear waste and hazardous biochemical / medical waste in a hospital”
15h30 Coffee
16h – 16h45 CBRNe incident preparation and coördination
16h45 – 17h
Closing words (Pierre Kockerols, BVS-ABR ; Wouter Schroeyers, UHasselt)
Location: Auditorium Louis Roppe (OG-Aud 2), Oude gevangenis
There is a fun fair in Hasselt at the Dussart square.
Parking is possible in:
* Q-Park Dusart (but sinds a road are blocked: needs to be reached via Eflde Liniestraat) for 1.5 euro per hour or 10 euro / day
* Other option: carpoolparking Park H and take free bus to dussart square
(more info on parking in Hasselt)
Public transport to Hasselt station is a good option and a 15 min walk away from the Old Prison.