This E&T event aims to present the various new practices, activities and means in the field of radiotherapy with a specific topic on the radioprotection, meaning a focus on the radioprotection of the public, workers and also for the patient (limitation of the dose, justification of the treatment and technic).
9:00 Introduction (P Froment – P Kockerols)
Radiotherapy – “External beam”
9:10 Nick Reynaert (IJ Bordet) – BNCT : A new treatment – new possibilities – new radioprotection ? Advantages for patient ?
9:35 Sébastien Penninckx (IJ Bordet – UNamur) – FLASH therapy : A game changer in radiotherapy
10:00 Frédéric Stichelbaut (IBA) : Protonthérapie : Construction / radioprotection – calcul de blindage
10:25 – 10:45 Pause-café
10:45 Guy Berger (IBA) Protontherapy center – Installation and associated acceptance tests protocols
11:10 Sofie Isebaert (UZLeuven) – Proton therapy : short general feedback from Leuven
Valérie Augustyns (UZLeuven) – Proton therapy : RP feedback from Leuven
11:40 Lien van Walle (Belgian Cancer Registry) National registry on hadrontherapy
12:05 – 13:00 Lunch Time
Radiotherapy – “Radionuclides”
13:00 André Kolmayer (NucAdvisor): From EU “Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications (SAMIRA)”
13:25 Margarida Goulart (EU): EU research and policy developments in the medical use of radionuclides
13:50 Sven van den Berghe (PanTera) : Ac-225 : goals and production
14:15 Maarten Ooms (SCK CEN) : Advancements in Tb-161 radiopharmaceutical
14:40 – 15:00 Pause-café
15:00 Valery Host (IRE) : Amélioration de la RP avec le passage du HEU au LEU
15:25 An Fremout – Daan van der Meersch (AFCN) : Regulatory aspects in Belgium for new practises
16:00 Closing words
The participation fee for the BVS-ABR E&T event ‘New radiotherapeutic techniques’ amounts to:
Auditoire – Institut Jules Bordet, rue Meylemeersh 90, 1070 Anderlecht (acces)
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