Are you the next ICRP Assistant Scientific Secretary?
In 2020, a unique opportunity will open up at ICRP to join the head office of ICRP in Ottawa, Canada as the next Assistant Scientific Secretary.IRPA Practical Guidance for Engagement with the Public on Radiation and Risk
IRPA is kindly requesting your input on the new IRPA Practical Guidance for Engagement with the Public on Radiation and Risk. Deadline for comments and suggestions is January 15h, 2020.BVS-ABR Event: Digital tools to support ALARA
Programme available now!2nd announcement of the EAN workshop
19th EAN WORKSHOP Innovative ALARA tools 26th -29th November 2019 Athens, Greece Jointly organised with the PODIUM Project (Personal Online DosImetry Using computational Methods)BVS-ABR Newsletter N° 163 is now available
The new edition of our newsletter is now online - enjoy reading!New IRPA bulletin
New IRPA bulletin issue 22 is available online.ICRP Announces Successful Initiative to Free the Annals
Once an ICRP publication has been available for two years, it will automatically become free to download!BVS-ABR Newsletter N° 162 is now available
The latest edition of our newsletter is now online - enjoy reading!New IRPA bulletin
Read the IRPA bulletin online.