Education and training in radiation protection
Legal obligations
- Professional exposed workers (Article 25 ARBIS)
- Medical
- Practioners (Article 64 KB MED)
- Authorised persons (Article 85 KB MED)
- Medical Physics Experts MPE (Article 88 KB MED)
- Assistents in medical physics (Article 95-96 KB MED)
- Occupational health physicians (Article 75 ARBIS)
- Radiopharmacists (Article 56 KB RADPROD)
- Training regarding medical-radiological equipment (Article 33 KB MED)
- Veterinary science
- Practioners (Article 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23 KB VET)
- Authorised persons (Article 9, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25 KB VET)
- Emergency planning (Article and article 6.2.2 KB Noodplan, and article 25 ARBIS)
- Transport
- Radiation protection officers T1 and T2 (Article 30.4 ARBIS & Technical decree FANC)
- Safety Advisors Class 7 (Chapter IV KB safety advisors)
- Chauffeur/driver class 7 (KB training certificate transporter)
- Radiation Protection Experts RPE (Article 73 ARBIS)
- Klasse I
- Klasse II
- Radiation Protection Officers RPO (Article 30.4 ARBIS & Technical decree FANC)
E&T Offer in radiation protection
Academic education
- Radiation Protection Experts
- Occupational health Physicians
Non-academic training
- Authorised persons (person to who the practitioner can delegate aspects in medical radiological exposures according to national regulation)
- HOGent (Hogeschool Gent – Faculteit Mens & Welzijn – Campus Vesalius)
- AP Hogeschool (Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen – Departement gezondheidszorg)
- Thomas More (HIVSET Vormingscentrum vzw Turnhout & KHK Lier)
- VIVES – KHBO (Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende – Campus Brugge)
- HE Galilée – ISSIG (Haute Ecole Galilée)
- HE Vinci (Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci)
- HELP (Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège)
- Training for Radiation Protection Officers
- Training in radioactive transport
- Training of intervenors of facilities sensitive to orphan sources
- With or without a measurement portal (FANC)
- Training for professionals
- Be.sure
- ECS (Equans)
- SCK CEN Academy
- Vinçotte Controlatom
Continuous professional development
- FANC calender
- BVS-ABR initiatives
- Intiatives of third parties – international (IRPA, IAEA, NVS, SFRP, SRP…)