Disclaimer and privacy statement
Access to the information products and services contained in the bvsabr.be site is provided as a public service by the BVS-ABR Association. The information presented does not necessarily reflect the views of BVS-ABR or its members and as such is not an official record.
The BVS-ABR Association makes no warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. Neither does it warrant that use of the information is free of any claims of copyright infringement.
Extracts from BVS-ABR Association material contained in the bvsabr.be site may be freely used elsewhere provided acknowledgement of the source is made. If the attribution indicates that the information (including photos and graphics) is from a source or site external to the BVS-ABR Association, permission for reuse must be sought from the originating organization.
Please note that the BVS-ABR Association cannot guarantee the authenticity of documents on the Internet. Links to non-BVS-ABR sites do not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data, or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. Links to non-BVS-ABR sites are provided solely as a pointer to information on topics that may be useful to the BVS-ABR board, its members, and the public.
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the BVS-ABR Association as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the BVS-ABR Association.
Privacy Statement
Personal data may be processed by the Belgian Society for Radiation Protection [also known as the BVS-ABR], with its Registered Office in Belgium, Rue des Verts Pacages(TSL) 14, 1457 Walhain (Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert).
BVS-ABR is a scientific society with the status of a unincorporated association. According to its statutes BVS-ABR serves to study all questions related to the protection against ionising and non-ionising radiation. It therefore contributes and promotes research in the field of radiation protection, enabling a close cooperation between the different disciplines involved. In order to do so, the society provides advice, organises training and events and publishes information.
BVS-ABR processes personal data in accordance with the below principles and practices. If we process your personal data, we will treat such data carefully in order to safeguard your privacy. From time to time, we may need to change or update this privacy notice. The most recent version will be available on our website and contains its version number and date.
Which personal data do we process?
As far as necessary within the scope of our mission, governance of membership and activities, we collect and process your personal identification data and field of professional expertise and/or interest.
During an activity of BVS-ABR in which you are taking part, specific or non-specific visual material (e.g. picture, images) can be processed.
We process your payment details through our bank and its online payment platform.
Why and on which basis do we process your personal data?
When you register for an activity of BVS-ABS, this registration constitutes an agreement. On the basis thereof, we process your personal data for the purposes of managing the administration of that activity. If you fail to provide the required data, you will not be able to register for the event at hand.
As a scientific society, the BVS-ABR aims to share knowledge on radiation protection and engage the public in its activities. Based on this inherent legitimate interest, we may contact you again for these purposes, once you were a participant to an activity of BVS-ABR or you are known as a valued contact.
In some cases, BVS-ABR will request your explicit consent to process your personal data. When you pose for a specific picture, this constitutes such explicit consent. BVS-ABR may edit and spread these pictures for publication and promotion purposes (e.g. through hard copy publications, on its website, social media).
How do we collect your personal data?
We may collect information about you:
- directly from you, such as the information you provided to us when you registered to an activity;
- from other sources, such as the person registering you for activity, your peers; and
- by means of cookies via a mailing platform. For more information on the cookies we use, please see below.
With whom do we share your personal data?
To fulfil the above purposes, the BVS-ABR will only share your personal data with third parties if one of the following circumstances applies:
- for executing a service for BVS-ABR, e.g. hosting, online form building, mailing platform, payment services;
- if required for co-organising the activity at hand;
- for meeting a legal obligation.
BVS-ABR does not intend to transfer your personal data to a third country or international organisation outside the EEA.
BVS-ABR does not transfer your personal data to any online advertising service.
For how long will we store your data?
BVS-ABR retains your personal data for as long as it is relevant for its purposes and as legally required.
What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
In accordance with the applicable legislation and within its limits, you may request:
- access to your personal data, and a copy;
- rectification of your data if they are not correct or incomplete;
- erasure of your data;
- restriction of the data processed to the extent this request is compatible with the purposes of processing.
Furthermore, you could withdraw your given consent (without this having an effect on the lawfulness of the prior processing).
You can exercise your right by sending an e-mail to the below mentioned address, accompanied by proof of your identity.
If you want to be unsubscribed from BVS-ABR mailings, you can email to the below mentioned address or click the ‘unsubscribe’ link (if present) in the last e-mail you received. Please note that you may still receive e-mails from BVS-ABR members that consider you to be a personal contact or as an individual addressee (in reciprocal email traffic).
If you do not agree with the way we handle your personal data, you may lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.
Use of cookies
A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It contains information such as your language preference, so that you do not have to enter this information again the next time you visit the same website. Some cookies make sure that a website application works properly.
The BVS-ABR website use cookies solely for functional and anonymized analytical/statistical purposes, hence without identification of a data subject. The BVS-ABR website use session cookies (used to save status data during a specific session) and user interface customisation cookies (i.e. a cookie tracking user preferences for a feature, but which is not linked to elements allowing for identification such as a user name). Analytical cookies as offered by Google Analytics assist in understanding the use of the website. For more information on Google Analytics we refer to the Google webpage.
BVS-ABR mailings sent via a third party mailing platform may result in the processing of cookies to follow-up the effectiveness of the mailing. In such case more information can be found in the mailing and/or the mailing platform webpage.
Your browser settings enable you to block the installation of or to delete cookies. You can find more information on how to block or delete cookies for each browser at the following websites: Chrome – Firefox – Internet Explorer – Safari.
How can you contact us?
If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data as described in this privacy notice, please contact us at .
Sales and payment terms and conditions
The conditions provided below are applicable to the use of the website of the Belgian Society for Radiation Protection (BVS-ABR), with KBO number 0769375195 and address Rue des Verts Pacages (TSL) 14, 1457 Walhain (Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert). The account number of BVS-ABR is IBAN BE79 2100 2447 1233 (BIC BEBABEBB).
Placing an order implies a payment obligation and counts as an explicit agreement of the general sales and payment terms and conditions.
Accounts and invoices issued by BVS-ABR are payable at the address of its administrative headquarters, thirty days after the date of the account or invoice, except when different terms of payment are stated on the account or on the invoice. The prices charged by BVS-ABR are published exclusive VAT. (buy no VAT is charged) Payment must be effected of the amount due into the BVS-ABR account number which is given on the account or invoice. Payment must be effected by direct payment, bank transfer, bancontact, Belfius online or KBC online .
After the online payment system has accepted your payment, a confirmation is provided online and via email.
Everything which is not explicitly determined by these sales and payment terms and conditions will be settled by the regulation of the Belgian Law.
Further information can be obtained at .