BVS-ABR scientific meeting: Decommissioning
Bel V, Walcourtstraat 148, 1070 Anderlecht
13:30h Welcome (P. Froment, BVS-ABR)
Setting the scene in Belgium and beyond
13:40h Belgian regulatory framework for decommissioning (F. Van Wonterghem, FANC)
14:10h German experiences on RP aspects in decommissioning (Dr. B. Brendebach, BMU, Germany)
14:40h Decommissioning in a European Perspective (P. Kockerols, JRC, EC)15:10 Coffee
Ongoing decommissioning in Belgium: sharing of experiences
15:40 Belgonucléaire (H. Libon, BN)
16:00 FBFC International (B. Van Assche, FBFCi)
16:20 SCK.CEN (S. Boden, SCK•CEN)
16:40 Belgoprocess (P. Gielen, BP)17:00 Wrap up and Closing remarks (P. Froment, BVS-ABR)
This training session is eligible for 3 hours of continuous professional development in radiation protection for the prolongation of the certification of occupational doctors. A certificate of attendance will be provided.
17-5-2019 17-5-2019 Europe/Brussels BVS-ABR scientific meeting: Decommissioning Bel V, Walcourtstraat 148, 1070 Anderlecht BVS-ABR