Young Scientist Award

The Bureau of the BVS/ABR has organized for the fourth time a national competition for Young Scientist Award, linked to the European IRPA conference in The Hague in 2018:

In line with the IRPA international competition for young scientist, the requirements for participation in the Belgian competition are:

  • to be a member of the BVS/ABR or at least to be working in a Belgian institution/company in the domain of radiation protection 
  • to be active in radiation protection research since a few years but no more than 10 years; this includes that exceeding 30 years of age can only be accepted in exceptional cases
  • to be willing to represent the BVS/ABR at the European IRPA The Hague conference (4th to 8th June, 2018)


What is included in the award?

  • an amount of €1000 
  • A nomination to the IRPA 2018 Young Scientist Award (the IRPA award also contains remuneration).
  • an oral presentation at a scientific meeting of the BVS/ABR in 2018
  • a publication in the Annals of the BVS/ABR after the The Hague conference
  • a free membership to the BVS/ABR for 2018


Download (pdf) call Young Scientist Award 2018. 



The third edition of the Young Scientist Award was organised linked to the European IRPA conference of 2014 in Geneva. Lieven Vervecken won the second price for his presentation "Dynamic external dose assessment by LES modelling of radioactive pollutant dispersion over an open field". He has presented his work at the BVS-ABR Young Generation Scientific Meeting on 19 September 2014.

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