• NORM4Building Symposium: Use of by-products in construction: dealing with natural radioactivity

    COST NETWORK “NORM4Building”

    National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

    FINAL Symposium COST NETWORK “NORM4Building”

    Title: Use of by-products in construction: dealing with natural radioactivity,

    Venue: National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy, 

    Timing: 06-08th of June 2017

    CALL for abstracts (for poster or presentation)? ??

    Deadline: 31/03/2017 

    Since January 2014 the European COST network ‘NORM4Building’ was launched for the use of by-products, from industrial sectors that process naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs), in newly developed construction materials.

    This final symposium is open for all interested parties and that aims to stimulate the close interaction between researchers, industry and regulators.

    More information regarding the symposium, registration and abstract submission can be found at: www.norm4building.org

    Invitation letter


    6-6-2017 8-6-2017 Europe/Brussels NORM4Building Symposium: Use of by-products in construction: dealing with natural radioactivity Final symposium from the European COST network ‘NORM4Building’ on the use of by-products, from industrial sectors that process naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs), in newly developed construction materials. National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy COST NETWORK “NORM4Building”